Monday, October 27, 2014

Mid October

I never got a picture of Ethan when he was music star at the beginning of the year. He wanted his pic taken like everyone else as he should. So here ha go buddy! Proud of your good choices!!
Brooke got music star with Mrs. Pollard. They love their certificate and special pencil that changes colors!
We had a special visitor come sing, talks, and read to our kinders. She is a local author, Carol Dabney. The kids enjoyed her books and even bought some from her. They kids really do learn from song. She sang with her ukulele.
We had our Roberts Fall Carnival mid October. Ever flex space at Roberts was decorated in a fall theme. I worked in the pattern room where the kids made a pattern bracelet. It was a hit!!
Our wonderful kinder moms decorated our k flex in an apple orchard. It turned out so good. Look how cute it was!! We have enjoyed it for a few weeks aftetwards too!

Here are some of my current students, former students and even family siblings. They were all dressed up super cute for our carnival. Take a look!! 

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