Sunday, October 12, 2014

October Days

Check out what we have been doing this October! Lots of activities and games that are fun and educational. 

Below are some pictures of some of students working on their math partner game called Number Word Match. They have to match the number, word, and dot card. They all did a good job!!  Not only are they working on their skills in math but also learning to share, take turns, and have good sportsmanship! 

Jack and Paris got MVP's the first week in October with Mrs. Apsche. So proud of them!
 Our class raised a certain amount of money for the Book It Fundraiser our school has been doing the past couple of weeks. We won book marks and had a silly sock day. The kids got creative with their socks. I love the mismatch, high and low length socks. What fun!

 Hunter was our music star with Mrs. Pollard. What a good listener, friend, and student he is!
 Every month on the first Monday of the month our school has a staff meeting. Our PTA provides a yummy snack for us after school to enjoy while we learn and teach each other. This month's display of food and drinks was spectacular. Love the themed tables. Thank you to our PTA parents who love our school and teachers! We love you back!!

Every Thursday we are lucky to have Mrs. Jenkins, our G.T.  teacher come to our K classes to teach a lesson with our kiddos. This week she taught a lesson on community helpers/people. She read a book and had hats of different jobs people might have that wear hats. She taught a moral lesson to the kids that not everyone has to wear a visible hat to be doing a job. One good example was that the kids come to school wearing their "thinking cap." Their job is to learn at school. The kids had a blast wearing these hats throughout her lesson.

In Phonics we have been reviewing the short a sound. We were building words that have the short a in the middle of a word. Starting working on CVC words. The kids loved this pumpkin "at" word family building word placemat.

 This past Friday, Emily and Noah got the MVP award from Mrs. Apsche in PE! High Five to them!

 Our room mom put together a secret reader schedule for this school year. We will be having a secret reader come to our classroom every other Friday. This past Friday was our very first one! Phoebe's dad, Mr. Finley came to our class and brought his own book. He read Harry The Dirty Dog. The kids had a blast having him in our classroom. We love visitors. Thank you in advance for signing up and being apart of this great volunteer opportunity!

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