Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's Fall y'all!

How is it already October?? This school year is flying by! We have been learning so much and having fun doing it. Take a look at some of the activities we have done in the past week or two!

Math partner game. The kids found numbers, dots, and number words that go together. We call this number word match! They all did awesome!!

We had a special visitor last Froday. One of my former students came to read to our class. She had written a story and read her own story! Wow!! Way too go Marley!

Love this girl so much!!!!

Woohoo!! Roberts was the 5th highest scoring school on the benchmark last spring. Dr. Suggs, LRSD's new superintendent surprised us with balloons and a cake! We are representing our 5s!!!!

Noah was music star in Mrs. Pollard's class last Monday!! :)

Look at these kids working on ordering numbers putting their towers from least to greatest!

K has been learning about national symbols and Constitution Day in Social Studies. We had a freedom parade last Thursday!! We made national symbol signs and made Uncle Sam hats. The kids had a ball making their props. We wore and held these things at our parade. It was very festive! We had patriotic music playing on the intercom, too. Thanks to all those teachers and students who came out of their rooms and cheered us on. Go USA!!!!

Red apple, green apple, yellow apple, blue apple? Mmm red apple, mmm green apple, mmm yellow apple, blue apple...yuck!
As you can tell we have been learning all about apples. We have even used smelly good apple soap and spray for our classroom. The kids have loved this!!!

My October happy that Aislynn gave me. What a sweet girl and family she has? Thanks for thinking of me. It is our new fall decor for our table outside of the room. :)

Lauren was selected has music star this week. Proud of her!!

Stephen loves to build words at center 6!

Computer lab is always a great place to go! The kids love learning through technology. Look at those smiles- so happy!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. You all have been doing so many awesome things!! Thank you for making learning so much fun for our kids:)
