Thursday, September 19, 2013

We finished up our king and queens this week. Loved getting to know each kid and have them each have a special day. I feel more connected to them and think our class has bonded more since we all have shared about ourselves!

The kids took cute pics with their grandparents last week on grandparents day. I loved how their presents turned out!!! They were sent home in folders earlier this week. :)

We have been learning about nouns in grammar/writing this week. The kids were sorting animals and things on the smart board. They did an awesome job!

The kids even practiced this during independent writing in their journals. Check out a few of the kids work. They drew an animal and a thing.

This week in math we have been learning different ways to make 5. Here are several kids working hard on this skill

We had 2 selected to be kids with character for showing the character word: respect. They were invited to a party in the dining room today. Congrats to Aislynn and Samantha! They even were picked to be all stars in PE today, too. Go girls!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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