Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Time is flying by. I can't believe we are almost finished with the 3rd quarter. We have learned so much and I am so proud of all my kiddos. They have made so much progress since August. It blows my mind!!!

Here are the kids exploring at the carpet with rods and units. They learned how to construct a number by using rods (tens) and units (ones).

Stephen's parents were in charge of snacks a few weeks ago and wanted to do something special. They brought in fresh fruit and read books to our class!

Yummy fruit snack with yogurt to dip their fruit

Eli and Keigon were All Stars in PE. They are sooo excited- especially Eli. Such a proud teacher! ;)

We had Lauren's dad, Mr. Ware as our watchdog and secret reader 2 Fridays ago. The kids love when he is here. They get to work with him in a small group out in the flex space. They feel so special!!

Lauren and her daddy! Such a funny book. He definitely had the kids laughing!!!

ME and Stephen at the award ceremony of Upward! Love having parents send me pics of their kids. Enjoy learning and hearing about their extra curricular activities.

Playing math partner games!!!

We have learned several blends lately which will help us read and write better. Here is a list of our sl words.

Synia and Aiden were our All Stars in PE last week. Good job!!

I had a bad ear infection last week and have been recovering all week from it. The doc prescribed me with 3 medicines which are helping. I love how my kids were so sweet to me and worried. Aislynn even brought me flowers to get better!!!

Samantha's mama was our secret reader this past week. She has some great books we hadn't ever heard before. Thanks for reading to our class. They truly enjoy it!!

Samantha and her mama, Trisha!!

Some volunteers from the Mosaic Templar Museum came to visit K. They spoke on friendship freedom. They read a book and asked lots of questions. They also made a friendship bracelet with beads that helped remind them what qualities that they and their friends can have. Such a fun and appropriate lesson. Thanks Mrs. Giles for organizing this!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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