Thursday, February 13, 2014


Wow!- it's February! ❤️

The past couple of weeks have been so busy. We don't play around at Roberts. We keep these parents and kids pretty busy throughout the school year. And we appreciate them!!

We have been learning addition and subtraction the past few weeks in math. I have learned that my kids enjoy playing games- they are fun and educational! Reinforces the skill and gives them more practice! Look at all those hard workers below.

Roberts Rendezvous is in March! Our class was selected for a fun in the sun basket. Many parents donated items for our basket and here is the final product!! I am sure ours will bid fast because it's pretty fabulous! Thanks to all who contributed!!

Working on our math skills at the carpet during work time! Number lines, number proud!

Samantha and Mohammed got All Star in PE!

Our secret reader on Friday was Samantha's mom, Trisha Schmitt! She brought some really cute books. The kids loved them! And I love seeing the kids expressions when they see the reader walk in-they get super excited especially if it's their family member! Thanks for keeping it a surprise, parents!

The 100th day was a blast! Lots of fun activities that kept the kids engaged and learning about numbers! One of the best parts is seeing the kids dress up as "old" people. Seriously cracks me up. They looked adorable even at 100 years of age!

My February happy from Aislynn! Homemade cookies. I shared with the K team at lunch one day- they were a hit! Thanks Farrell family!

More 100th day activities...

Love the snack mix! The kids picked 10 pieces of 10 different snack ingredients and mixed it in their bag. Yummy!!!

Keigon and Stephen got All Star last Thursday. Way too go, boys!

I helped Mrs. Apsche with the mini cheer clinic last week. We had 3 practices after school and performed at our spirit night at halftime at a UALR basketball game. These K and 1st graders did amazing!!!!

So my mini cheer girls wanted to show the class their dance and cheers so they did and they rocked it!! Loved their hard work!

This month we are learning about dental hygiene. Dr. Cloud came to visit Roberts. He had a great presentation with a video and sweet tooth. She was a hit!! ;)

Aislynn's aunt Holly was our reader this past Friday. We loved having her and her kids in our class. We loved Lilly and her purple plastics purse! Perfect book choice!

Family love!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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