Sunday, March 3, 2013

Feb. 18-22

This was another fun week in K. We were working on subtraction. I love getting the kids up and moving because I think kids learn kinesthetically or atleast have fun! Sooo we played bowling on the wii. The kids were able to knock down as many pins as they could. While someone was bowling, the rest of the kids were writing and solving the subtraction number sentences on their whiteboards.

We also played a subtraction partner game. The kids enjoy working together.

Dr. Cloud, local dentist came to Roberts! He visited K and gave an awesome presentation! He showed the kids a video, demonstrated what foods/drinks are good and which ones are not healthy. He also showed us how we are to brush our teeth correctly and floss too. The kids loved the big tooth that came. What a fun way to learn about dental hygiene!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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