Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nov. 11-15

Synia was our music star this week in Mrs. Pollard's classroom!

Me and Mary Elizabeth were twins on Veteran's day. It was fun to be twinkies!

Kindergarten celebrated Veteran's Day by dressing in red, white, and blue. We also took a picture at 11:00 on the 11 day of the 11 month!

I love how the the turkey disguises turned out. All the kids worked hard on their home project. They had to go up on my bulletin board!

One day during writing time, we wrote about what we were thankful for and we put those things on our big turkeys' feathers and displayed it all outside of our classroom! :)

Aiden and Synia got All Star from Mrs. Apsache in PE! So proud of these kiddos!!

Eli's mom, Mrs. Carson was our secret reader this week. She brought a couple of book that she read with the kids. The kids really loved one of them!! Good job on your picks!

Eli and his mama after reading to our class. Thanks again for coming!!!

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