Sunday, October 28, 2012

Short week, yet very busyyy

It was a short week with the kids but felt very long. We did a lot and never stopped going!

The kids were out of school on Monday due to parent teacher conferences. I really enjoyed meeting with all of my students' parents. They are all so wonderful! I couldn't have asked for such a good group of parents this year. Thanks for all your dedication and willingness to take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to meet with me.

A few weeks ago, Greg Dee came to Roberts and did a weather lesson with our kinders. Afterwards, he filmed all the classes saying "Good morning, Greg. What's the weather like today?" They were televised this week on Ch4 in the morning at 6:14 and 6:44!!

Here is a picture of what they looked like on the tv screen.

When the kids go to pull outs each week, the students get an opportunity to try their best to earn student of the week. Marley and William got it this week in PE! Woohoo! Go y'all!!!

It was also red ribbon week. Each day the kids were encouraged to wear something different representing their support to no drugs and bullying. They wore a ribbon in addition that said: "I believe in me. I'm drug free." My favorite day was Wednesday when we dressed in boots and western wear. It's saying was "I give drugs the boot." Check out some of the kids attire. Loved it!!

In math, we learned about numbers 11-19. I introduced ten frames to them and a new game called Ten Frame Match. The kids really liked this. Here are some kids playing it during our math work time.

Thursday night was our Literacy and Math Fall Carnival. We had such a great turn out. Thanks parents for bringing your kids and being involved!! I took some pics of our kindergarten flex space before the kids and parents got there for everyone to see how awesome it looked!!! Thanks to all of our room moms and other parents who volunteered to help with decorating. You all did a GREAT JOB! :) :) :)

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Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Fall Y'all!

It's definitely fall. Now that the leaves are turning colors and we have been talking about weather, I thought it would be appropriate to do a fall tree activity. We made these last week and I put them on our bulletin board outside our room. They really did a good job. Some actually made the leaves "fall" from the trees. Great detail!

I got a surprise gift from one of our favorites, Mrs. Diggs. If you don't know her, you need to! She is the best kindergarten aid ever!! She is so good with our kiddos. They absolutely love her. And we love her back. Here is a little happy gift she gave me. She is always so thoughtful.

We have been learning how to sort objects by different attributes. Here are a few pictures of the kids doing this!!

Nicholas sorted by color

Will sorted by shapes

Cheryl sorted by size

Aiden sorted by color

Tristan sorted by shapes

Whole group picture of kids sorting by attributes at the carpet

Our 2nd annual Boosterthon Fun Run was Wednesday, October 18th. The kids really had fun running laps around the track on the playground. They helped raise money for our school by getting pledges!! The pledges donated a certain amount of money for each lap they ran! Our class raised over $800! Way too go kids and parents! You are awesome! Here are a few pics I took that day.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

2nd week of October

Well the kids loved learning about 3D shapes so much..we kept learning about them this last week. We played a sorting game with partners one day. The kids did great at this!!

We also practiced learning how to solve word problems in our math journals. Since we are learning about pumpkins and they are shaped like a sphere, I thought it was appropriate to do a problem like this.

Whoa!! Way too go Haven!! She did awesome showing all of her work and explaining it to the class.

We also had some exciting news from Coach D on Wednesday. We had two star students of the week in our class. Good job to Ryan and Evan! :)

We have been working on our -an and -ap word families this week. The kids love to scramble the letters that are unscrambled on the smart board. They put the letters together to make a word on their whiteboards!! Look at them goooo!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

PTA MEETING 10/12/12


Here is an email I received today about this event. Please read and attend if you are able.

Thanks and you all are the best!!

Hello all PreK and K teachers,

I am Tara Farris 3rd VP elect for Robert PTA and helping put on the Perk Up with PTA that is coming up on Friday, October 12th anytime from 7:15- 8:30am. We are trying to get new parents to come in and enjoy some coffee and donuts for a short meet and greet with other parents and PTA board members and find out more about getting involved.

Also our Boosterthon guys will be there to help parents know what our fundraiser is all about.

I came around on monday and passed out papers to be sent home in each child's folder about the event, but i was wanting to ask if each of you would please include this in your weekly newsletter, please. Thanks in advance! :)
If you have any questions about the event, you may email or call me.


Tara Farris


Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's October!!!

Whoa..what a busy week it has been in K! I wanted to share some fun activities we did this week so scroll down and check them out! Enjoy parents and fellow blogger friends!

We have been learning the -at word families. We practiced making words with our dry erase boards during phonics!

For one of our writing lessons, we learned how to build a sentence. We made one together and I wrote it on a sentence strip. Then I cut the words apart and gave each student a word. The looked for clues to know where to stand (beginning letter was capitalized and period at the end of a word). They got in this order all by them selves! How smart are they?!

I introduced and taught the kids about 3D shapes in math. We sang a song from youtube on our smartboard that I will post later. Its hilarious and awesome! We made this 3D anchor chart together the next day after we explored with some of our 3D manipulatives. The kids helped describe attributes about each shape using words and selecting a picture of a 3D object.

Some of the kids brought something from home that was a 3D shape and shared it with the class! This was cool!

We even had 3D snacks!! The kids absolutely loved this! Thank you parents for buying these for us!! You are the best!

Yup, we went to the pumpkin patch on Friday! Best day everrr! We loved going to BoBrook Farms. They were so organized there and only booked our school that day. Yayyyy!

Here are some more pics of our fun day with our parents and friends!!

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